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apiVersionstringAPIVersion defines the versioned schema of this representation of an object. Servers should convert recognized schemas to the latest internal value, and may reject unrecognized values. More info:
dataobjectData contains the secret data. Each key must consist of alphanumeric characters, '-', '_' or '.'. The serialized form of the secret data is a base64 encoded string, representing the arbitrary (possibly non-string) data value here. Described in
immutablebooleanImmutable, if set to true, ensures that data stored in the Secret cannot be updated (only object metadata can be modified). If not set to true, the field can be modified at any time. Defaulted to nil.
kindstringKind is a string value representing the REST resource this object represents. Servers may infer this from the endpoint the client submits requests to. Cannot be updated. In CamelCase. More info:
metadataobjectObjectMeta is metadata that all persisted resources must have, which includes all objects users must create.
stringDataobjectstringData allows specifying non-binary secret data in string form. It is provided as a write-only input field for convenience. All keys and values are merged into the data field on write, overwriting any existing values. The stringData field is never output when reading from the API.
typestringUsed to facilitate programmatic handling of secret data. More info:


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
listCoreV1NamespacedSecretSELECTnamespace, cluster_addr, protocollist or watch objects of kind Secret
listCoreV1SecretForAllNamespacesSELECTcluster_addr, protocollist or watch objects of kind Secret
readCoreV1NamespacedSecretSELECTname, namespace, cluster_addr, protocolread the specified Secret
createCoreV1NamespacedSecretINSERTnamespace, cluster_addr, protocolcreate a Secret
deleteCoreV1CollectionNamespacedSecretDELETEnamespace, cluster_addr, protocoldelete collection of Secret
deleteCoreV1NamespacedSecretDELETEname, namespace, cluster_addr, protocoldelete a Secret
patchCoreV1NamespacedSecretEXECname, namespace, cluster_addr, protocolpartially update the specified Secret
replaceCoreV1NamespacedSecretEXECname, namespace, cluster_addr, protocolreplace the specified Secret
watchCoreV1NamespacedSecretEXECname, namespace, cluster_addr, protocolwatch changes to an object of kind Secret. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead, filtered to a single item with the 'fieldSelector' parameter.
watchCoreV1NamespacedSecretListEXECnamespace, cluster_addr, protocolwatch individual changes to a list of Secret. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.
watchCoreV1SecretListForAllNamespacesEXECcluster_addr, protocolwatch individual changes to a list of Secret. deprecated: use the 'watch' parameter with a list operation instead.